Breast Lift
Vacuum Therapy

Get the full, voluptuous, curvy breasts you desire with breast lift vacuum therapy treatments from Talent Laser Clinic & med spa!

SkinnyU Body Contouring | Breast Lift Vacuum Therapy Services

Breast Lift Vacuum Therapy

Get the full, voluptuous, curvy breasts you desire with breast lift vacuum therapy treatments from Talent Laser Clinic & med spa!

SkinnyU Body Contouring | What is Breast Lift Vacuum Therapy?

What is Breast Lift Vacuum Therapy?

Breast lift vacuum therapy is a safe, non-surgical procedure helping women get the full breast curves they crave. Whether you’re looking to turn heads at the beach or make a statement in the office, let Talent Laser Clinic & med spa help you get the look you want!

We use the latest body contouring technology to help you get the curvaceous breasts you desire. Our specially trained technicians will provide a series of treatments, helping you achieve the breast size and shape you’re looking for.

How Does Breast Lift Therapy Work?

Breast lift therapy is based on vacuum technology applied to the breast tissue. Treatment oil is applied to the breasts to avoid chaffing and to minimize irritation, and then a suction cup is applied to the breast and vacuum created. The vacuum stimulates the blood flow in the breast tissue, thickening the connective tissue and lifting the breast.

Results are only incremental, requiring several treatments for a noticeable lift. The effects can last for several days or even weeks, depending on how many treatments are used and how aggressively they are.

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Breast Lift Vacuum Therapy FAQ’s

Vacuum therapy is a safe and noninvasive procedure, it usually well-tolerated. It’s completely non-invasive, so there’s no risk of bleeding, infection, or other complications. so you can expect few to no side effects. However, you may feel slight pain and tightness after the procedure. Mild swelling can also occur, but this should subside within a day or two.

No, we do not recommend the person who has some fillers or implants in the breast to do the vacuum breast treatment.

No, you do not need to have any rest after this treatment. You can go back to your daily life and work.

A standard treatment takes 30 – 40 minutes.

The results are not permanent, but last longer. The more sessions you attend, the longer the results last. You won’t experience any permanent scarring of marks after the treatment of even when you decide to discontinue the treatment. The process is usually painless but can be slightly uncomfortable for the first minutes. Otherwise, it is a relaxing and comfortable process for anyone who wants breast enlargement.

The side effects of the treatment are minor. A slight sensitivity that lasts for a few days and mild redness are some of the side effects. This side effects won’t prevent you from doing your daily duties. The results may vary depending on the number of treatment you want.

You will require anything between 1 and 8 treatment sessions for constructive results.

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get the curvy and voluptuous breasts they want to show off to the world!