Butt Cupping

Get a toned and contoured backside in just a few short treatments with butt cupping from Talent Laser Clinic & med spa!

SkinnyU Body Contouring | Butt Cupping Services

Butt Cupping

Get a toned and contoured backside in just a few short treatments with butt cupping from Talent Laser Clinic & med spa!

Talent Laser Clinic & Med Spa | What Is Butt Cupping?

What is Butt Cupping?

Butt cupping is a non-invasive type of body contouring procedure that uses non-surgical vacuum technology to stimulate tissue in the buttocks to help reshape them to be fuller and rounder.

Butt cupping lifts, tones and contours your butt and can improve the unsightly appearance of cellulite.

By using vacuum pressure to suction the skin on and around the buttocks, the muscle and connective tissue is decompressed. This promotes increased blood flow to the area, causing enlargement of the muscle and skin tissue.

The Health Benefits of Butt Cupping

Cupping therapy was discovered hundreds of years ago by the Chinese and was found to have significant health benefits.

Because of the increased flow of blood in the muscle and connective tissue, butt cupping can help eliminate toxins and reduce the stagnation of unhealthy body fluids. Some butt cupping clients have reported a reduction in buttock muscle pain and soreness, and vacuum therapy treatments have proven to boost immunity!

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Butt Cupping FAQ’s

This treatment is completely safe. It provides an effective solution for those who want to improve the appearance of their buttocks without undergoing a surgical procedure to do so. There are no risks or side effects from this treatment, and you can expect to see subtle and natural-looking results after your treatment. Butt cupping gives you the ability to improve your buttocks the natural way in a quick and painless treatment.

If you want to lift and tone your buttocks and improve the appearance of cellulite, you are most likely a candidate for butt cupping. Those who can’t or do not want to undergo a surgical or invasive procedure to enhance and contour their buttocks make good candidates for this treatment. An initial consultation with one of our technicians is the best way to determine if this treatment is right for you.

The total number of sessions you will need to achieve your desired results will depend on your current muscle definition, as well as your goals, collagen and elastin levels, and skin elasticity. We typically recommend that patients schedule anywhere from two to eight sessions for the best results. When we create your treatment plan, we will provide you with a better idea of how many sessions will be necessary to achieve your desired results.

Most patients notice an improvement in the appearance of their buttocks within 45 minutes of undergoing treatment. You can expect to experience lifted, more toned-looking buttocks after your treatment is complete, and your results will continue to improve after every session. During our initial consultation, we can give you more details on what kind of results you can expect based on the current state of your buttocks and your ultimate goals.

You can expect your treatment to take approximately 30-45 minutes to complete. However, this treatment is the equivalent of performing over 1000 squats. The benefit is, instead of spending 30 minutes at the gym performing endless squats and working up a sweat, you can come here to our office and undergo this non-invasive treatment.

With the buttock vacuum protocol and using the buttock vacuum therapy machine, the fatty tissue is used so that we can mold the buttocks and fill spaces that are scarce in volume by dragging adipose tissue.

This treatment can help you improve the appearance of your buttocks the natural way. You won’t have to plan around any downtime or painful recovery. Treatments are quick and painless and can help you accomplish what you could never do in a 30-minute session at the gym. Achieving shapelier and more aesthetically pleasing buttocks is simple. Thanks to this effective treatment, you can enhance your body the natural way.

No! Butt cupping process is 100% non-invasive, non-surgical and therefore, you can return to your normal schedule after the treatment. For people with sensitive skin, however, you may notice some reddening, tingling, and discomfort which is temporary. You will reap the complete benefits and longer-lasting results from your butt cupping immediately!

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get the curves and shape to their butts that is sure to turn heads!