Cellulite Reduction Treatments

Melt the fat and cellulite away and get the smooth curves you crave with cellulite reduction treatments from Talent Laser Clinic & med spa!

SkinnyU Body Contouring | Cellulite Reduction Treatments

Cellulite Reduction Treatments

Melt the fat and cellulite away and get the smooth curves you crave with cellulite reduction treatments from Talent Laser Clinic & med spa!

SkinnyU Body Contouring | What are Cellulite Reduction Treatments?

What are Cellulite Reduction Treatments?

Fat cells beneath the skin are held in place by a tough, long network of connective tissue. As the fat cells they hold in place increase in size, the network of connective tissue pulls down while the fat between them pushes up. The result is uneven, lumpy and dimpling on the surface of the skin, which is often referred to as cellulite.

Special conductive oil is applied to the treatment area. Our experts use a gentle vacuum and a contoured suctioned cup to work the treatment area. The fat cells below the skin are slowly broken down, allowing them to be eliminated via the lymphatic pits, and thereby reducing the appearances of cellulite.

Where Can Cellulite be Reduced?

Our treatments can be used on many different parts of the body, including:

  • buttocks
  • legs
  • thighs
  • breasts
  • lower abdomen
  • upper arms
  • buttocks
  • legs
  • thighs
  • breasts
  • lower abdomen
  • upper arms

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Cellulite Reduction Treatment FAQ’s

Cellulitis is the inflammation of the cellular tissue that is under the skin, especially in the thighs, inside the knees, arms, the gluteal region and the abdomen. It usually affects women more than men.

The Skin Dermotherapies Machine and the Knuckle Cup, perform a non-invasive technique, which through vacuum effects a negative pressure on the skin, contributing positively in the treatments of cellulite, as it improves the appearance of the skin, controlling that the fold of the adipose tissue, is treated in the appropriate proportion, safely, pain-free and with immediate results.

The conductive oil is applied on the area to be treated to achieve an easy displacement of the cup. Slow maneuvers must be performed to allow the entrainment of toxins, fats and liquids towards the lymphatic pits for subsequent elimination.

It is recommended that each session be performed 3 times a week, interspersed every other day, for 3 or 4 weeks (depending on the therapist’s assessment). After the sessions required by each patient, it is recommended to repeat at least 1 session, every 15 or 20 days, thus achieving greater treatment durability.

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