Infrared Sauna Treatments

Feel better, look better and live better with infrared sauna treatments from the professionals at Talent Laser Clinic & med spa!

SkinnyU Body Contouring | Infrared Sauna Treatments

Infrared Sauna Treatments

Feel better, look better and live better with infrared sauna treatments from the professionals at Talent Laser Clinic & med spa!

SkinnyU Body Contouring | What Are Infrared Sauna Treatments?

What Are Infrared Sauna Treatments?

There are many benefits of infrared sauna treatments including relieving stiffness, soreness, aches and pains. Increased blood circulation can also help reduce inflammation. Many people turn to sauna treatments to help them feel better if they’re dealing with chronic or nagging pains.

But the benefits of infrared sauna treatments goes beyond helping you feel better, they can also help you look better and lose weight. Regular treatments help stimulate better circulation, blood flow, and increase collagen production, all factors that help your skin look better and help you look younger and healthier.

In a clinical study, people who received infrared sauna treatments dropped an average of 4% of body fat over a four-month period, showing that these treatments can help you lose weight and contour your body!

How Does an Infrared Sauna Work?

Traditional saunas heat the air in the sauna, whereas infrared saunas use infrared light to heat your body directly, without heating the air around you. Infrared saunas are a great alternative for people who want a sauna experience but can’t tolerate the exhaustive heat.

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Infrared Sauna Treatments FAQ’s

Yes, infrared sauna is perfectly safe for the majority of people. They use a natural form of energy called infrared light – the same light that warms us from the sun.  If you have any doubts or have an underlying condition you should consult a doctor before using an infrared sauna.

A sauna session is a great way to relax and unwind after a long day. As the body heats up and you begin to work up a sweat you will find your mind begins to calm and unwind. Stress levels are eased and your mood will be lifted by the ‘feel-good factor’. Many studies have looked at using infrared saunas in the treatment of long-lasting health problems and found some proof that saunas may help. Conditions studied include high blood pressure, heart failure, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, headache, type 2 diabetes, and arthritis. But larger and more-exact studies are needed to prove these results. Some of these studies were also performed with people using a regular sauna. On the other hand, no harmful effects have been reported with infrared saunas.

Infrared sauna sessions will help you lose weight by gently coaxing the body out of stress response back into states of relaxation. As relaxation takes hold of the body, the redirection of energy back into the internal cellular structure will enhance energy conversion and you will no longer store unprocessed calories as fat.

One of the most common questions people have is about how often they should use an infrared sauna. It is possible to use it between 2 and 4 times per week, spacing sessions out at least 24 hours. Keep in mind that the body needs time to recover from this type of therapy in between sessions. That includes restoring its overall hydration level. By providing that bit of a break every few days, you are also encouraging your body to heal fully. You may not see as many benefits if you use it every day, and you increase the risk of dehydration.

There are many reasons why people use infrared sauna treatments as part of their health and wellness:

  • Improved sleep: Many people report sleeping for more hours and getting a better quality of sleep when they do.
  • Detoxification: In some situations, saunas offer the benefit of removing toxins from the body. When you sweat, you are not just removing fluids but also the toxins trapped in the skin’s cells and tissues.
  • Improved circulation: Many people report improved circulation, which means the body’s cells are getting more access to the oxygen and nutrients it needs. That can help to speed healing throughout the body.
  • Weight loss: While the immediate weight loss of a sauna is due to fluid loss, it also helps to promote healthy weight management.
  • Relaxation: One of the best reasons to use saunas is because they can help to stimulate relaxation. Many people report feeling more at ease and relaxed when using these treatments on a consistent basis.
  • Relief from soreness: Many people use these as a way to stimulate muscle relaxation. It can help to improve joint pain, reduce muscle soreness, and reduce chronic pain.
  • Hydrate Yourself First: It is critical that you are properly hydrated before going into a sauna like this. Be sure that you drink a full glass of water prior to heating into the sauna as well. You can drink during your session as well.
  • How Long per Session: If this is your first time using the sauna, begin with just 10 minutes. You can gradually work to increase that by 5 minutes at a time. Over a few sessions, you will reach the targeted rate of 20 to 30 minutes. Staying in too long can lead to dehydration.
  • Afterward: After you get out of the sauna, the next step is to give yourself time to cool down. Sit down for a few minutes. You can also take a cool – not cold – shower or bath. It’s also important to rehydrate at this time

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