Microdermabrasion Treatments

Get the young, smooth, flawless skin you desire with microdermabrasion treatments from the beauty experts at Talent Laser Clinic & med spa!

Talent Laser Clinic & Med Spa | Microdermabrasion Treatments

Microdermabrasion Treatments

Get the young, smooth, flawless skin you desire with microdermabrasion treatments from the beauty experts at Talent Laser Clinic & med spa!

Talent Laser Clinic & Med Spa | What Are Microdermabrasion Treatments?

What are Microdermabrasion Treatments?

The top layer of our skin is called the epidermis, and is covered by an outermost layer of mostly dead skin cells called the stratum corneum. The epidermis and stratum corneum keeps bacteria and germs from entering our bodies and bloodstream.

Because most of the skin cells in the stratum corneum are dead, our skin can look tired, uneven, and dull. Microdermabrasion is a safe and minimally abrasive treatment in which a gentle sanding tool and skin treatments compounds are used to remove some of the dead skins cells. After a series of microdermabrasion treatments, you skin will be rejuvenated, looking younger, smoother and more vibrant!

Conditions Microdermabrasion Can Help Treat

As a safe and non-surgical treatment, microdermabrasion treatments can help reduce the appearances of light scarring, skin discolouration, sun damage, wrinkles and fine lines, and even stretch marks.

Let the experts at Talent Laser Clinic & med spa help you look and feel young and vibrant with smooth and flawless skin!

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Microdermabrasion FAQ’s

Microdermabrasion is a simple, quick, and painless cosmetic treatment with no downtime and minimal risk.

Microdermabrasion is somewhat useful for people with dull or sallow skin, mild acne, acne discoloration, pick marks, and very superficial acne scars. Microdermabrasion may be a good treatment option for patients with superficial skin problems and busy lifestyles who are looking for minimal benefits with virtually no side effects or downtime. Individuals with deeper acne scars may expect a much longer series of treatments or likely benefit from physician-performed surgical dermabrasion, chemical peeling, or laser resurfacing.

Microdermabrasion can be done as frequently as weekly or up to every eight weeks depending on your skin’s tolerance and desired cosmetic effects. Many people choose to start with weekly treatments for three sessions, then change to a monthly maintenance regimen.Much like brushing your teeth, microdermabrasion helps to gently remove skin debris. Since human skin typically regenerates at approximately 30-day intervals, skin improvement with microdermabrasion is temporary and needs to be repeated at average intervals of two to four weeks for continued improvement. Usually, multiple treatments (six to 12 sessions) are recommended to see a significant improvement.

Generally, softer and smoother skin that feels fresher and more rejuvenated is the expected outcome after microdermabrasion.

While there are no specific age or sex restrictions, typically children over age 12 up to adults age 65 can get microdermabrasion. While there is no age maximum, mature skin over age 70 may have slightly higher risks of bruising and skin abrasions. Individuals younger than age 12 may sometimes also receive treatment under the care of a dermatologist or plastic surgeon.

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