Skin Beautification

Get smooth, flawless skin, free of blemishes and signs of aging with skin beautification services from the experts at Talent Laser Clinic & Med Spa!

Talent Laser Clinic & Med Spa | Skin Beautification Services

Skin Beautification

Get smooth, flawless skin, free of blemishes and signs of aging with skin beautification services from the experts at Talent Laser Clinic & Med Spa!

Skin Beautification Services to Keep You Looking Simply Fabulous!

Laser Skin Rejuvenation

Laser skin treatment is a popular method that is used to reduce minor skin flaws such as acne scars, facial wrinkles, pigmentation, and blemishes. It is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that uses short, concentrated pulsating beams of laser light to enhance the appearance of your skin.

What is Laser Skin Rejuvenation?

Laser skin rejuvenation can involve skin resurfacing, skin tightening and reducing skin pigmentation. Some of the laser resurfacing techniques can treat a number of conditions including discolouration, fine lines, deep wrinkles, acne scarring and broken blood vessels.

Today’s rejuvenation techniques are designed to help your skin recover a smoother, clearer state.

These can be used to treat any or all of the following conditions:

  • Facial wrinkles and fine lines
  • Age spots
  • Sun spots and other types of photodamage
  • Neve skin complexion
  • Inflammatory acne lesions

How Many Treatments Are Needed?

We typically recommend three to six sessions, but improvements can be seen after the first treatment. Additional sessions may be needed to address larger or darker spots. Improvements become more visible with each treatment.

Are Laser Skin Rejuvenation Treatments Safe?

Laser rejuvenation skin treatments do not need local anesthesia, bandages, or incisions, which is why they do not cause any complications or lead to unnecessary risks. It is a painless procedure that also comes with a cooling mechanism to protect the tissue beneath the outer skin layer and keeps you comfortable during the treatment.

Minimal Downtime

Unlike many cosmetic procedures, laser skin revitalization treatment is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure and does not need you to take time off your work or hinder regular activities. The results from these treatments are visible almost immediately and continue to improve over time. You will have to follow your specialist instructions, including avoiding direct sunlight and washing your face well with room temperature water and take any over-the-counter medications that they may recommend.

Laser Skin Tightening

Laser skin tightening is a noninvasive procedure designed to reverse signs of aging on the skin. It can be used on all areas of the face and body, but is typically used on the face and neck. It works by heating the underlying layers of skin to stimulate collagen production, which, in turn, causes the skin to look fuller and tighter. Wrinkles, fine lines, lax skin and other signs of aging are minimized, and skin looks healthier and more youthful.

What is Laser Skin Tightening?

Laser skin tightening is an in-office procedure. A session begins with an anesthetic cream being applied to the areas of skin being treated; this minimizes discomfort caused by the laser. Protective eyewear is also supplied. During the actual treatment, a handpiece, which emits cool air to also help reduce discomfort, is used to apply short pulses of laser energy to the skin. The heat from the laser stimulates collagen production, which then contracts and tightens the skin.

Depending upon the size of the treatment area, sessions typically take 30 minutes to an hour. For best results, 2 to-4treatment sessions, spaced about 1 month apart, are usually recommended. Many patients see improvement to the overall condition of their skin immediately after being treated, and skin continues to improve over the next few months as collagen production increases. In some cases, the results of laser skin tightening last for 2 years.

What Are the Advantages of Laser Skin Tightening?

Because it is not invasive, many people choose to undergo laser skin tightening rather than facelifts, neck lifts, liposuction or “tummy tucks,” all of which are surgical procedures that require recovery time. After a laser skin tightening session, patients can resume their regular activities immediately.

Side Effects of Laser Skin Tightening

There are no serious side effects associated with laser skin tightening. Mild side effects, which are temporary, include redness; swelling; bruising; skin sensitivity; and changes in skin color.

Sun Spots & Benign Keratoses Removal

The skin beauty experts at Talent Laser Clinic & med spa can effectively remove unwanted brown sun damage spots and benign keratoses without scarring. The late fall and winter are the best times to start treatment of these lesions since the skin should be shielded from sun exposure before and after treatment for the best results. Some spots may require more than one treatment.

What Causes Sunspots?

Sun spots are caused by direct, prolonged exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays or from artificial sources of UV rays, such as sun beds. The UV exposure causes the melanocytes – i.e. the pigment cells that make melanin to give your skin its colour – to produce excess pigment in just one spot instead of across the whole skin’s surface, creating darker brown patches. In the case of sun spots, it isn’t that the number of melanocyte cells increases, just the amount of pigment they produce.

How Many Treatment Sessions Will I Need?

The number of sessions you need will depend on your individual case. When you come in for your initial consultation, we’ll be able to give you a much better idea of what to expect.

Is a Laser Treatment for Sun Spot Removal Safe?

Laser treatments for sun spots are widely viewed to be safe and effective, especially when performed by a suitably experienced laser aesthetics practitioner. Some people find that their skin feels hot for approximately 15 minutes or so after treatment, and your skin may look red and flushed for about an hour.

Is There Anything I Should Do After the Treatment?

There’s no downtime after a laser treatment. We recommend that you wear a high factor sunscreen (SPF 30+) to help protect your skin.

Does Sunspot Removal Hurt?

There may be a minor burning while the treatment is being done. This usually will not last longer than a few hours. Most are very comfortable!

What Should Expect After Sunspot Treatment?

Immediately following treatment some of the flat pigmented spots become darker in color. Over a week’s time, they will form a thin crust and flake off. Other spots may fade in color. Some spots require only one treatment. Others may require more. Sun exposure should be avoided before and after treatment.

Laser Spider Vein Removal (face & legs)

Spider veins and broken capillaries, often occurring in areas such as the face, nose, and legs, are broken blood vessels that may appear as red lines or dots on the skin. Examples of these skin conditions are spider veins on the legs and face, vascular lesions, broken capillaries, and cherry angioma. These vascular lesions may be caused by certain medications, the natural process of aging, and other environmental factors. Unfortunately, these broken veins can not heal themselves.

How Does a Laser Spider Vein Removal Work?

Our industry-leading laser technology delivers short pulses of light energy into the skin. The light pulses target and destroy problematic blood vessels, eliminating the unwanted surface vein or vascular lesion.

What Are the Benefits of Laser Spider Vein Removal Treatments?

The treatment can eliminate the spider or broken capillaries, refining the skin revealing a youthful, radiant glow. Clients report seeing results in as little as one treatment.

Is Laser Vein Removal Safe?

Yes, the CandelaMax Pro is completely safe and effective for treating, targeting, and destroying veins and vascular lesions. The precisely delivered laser technology is so safe that it can be used on the face. It is powerful enough to destroy larger, more prominent veins on the legs.

Does It Hurt?

Laser vein targeting is non-surgical and requires no anesthetic. Depending on the client and treatment area, there may be a slight tingle or stinging sensation, which only lasts momentarily.

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

Most clients require 1-4 treatments, depending on the area and lesion.

How Long Does a Treatment Take?

Treatment sessions may take about on hour. The time required will depend on your skin type, the extent of the condition, the number of area to be treated, and the size of those area.

Rosacea, Facial Redness & Broken Blood Vessels Removal

Our skincare experts can help treat the background redness and broken blood vessels on the cheeks, nose and chin. Because the background redness and broken blood vessels are a result of broken blood vessels, you should expect to have some redness, swelling and possible bruising for several days after the treatment. We suggest that you do not take aspirin or NSAIDS (ibuprofen, Aleve, Advil, Motrin Meloxicam, Celebrex) for 1 week prior to your procedure if medically allowable. We do not advise any patient to stop any blood thinners for this procedure.

What Is a Rosacea –Facial Redness Treatment?

Rosacea is an inflammatory condition that causes increased vascularity, redness, blood vessels, pimples, enlarged pores and swelling on the skin. If left untreated, the condition can become even more intense, with the affected skin turning more reddish and flushed in appearance.

How Does This Treatment Work?

Redness and rosacea occur when the tiny blood vessels in the skin dilate and remain dilated. Our laser technology targets the dilated vessels causing them to contract, and breakdown. The redness then dissipates and skin is left with increased clarity and balance.

What to Expect After a Rosacea Treatment

Following a rosacea program (series of treatments), patients can expect to achieve a significant and noticeable reduction in all aspects of the condition. On average, the reduction in redness, dilated spider vessels, and acne can be between 50 and 85%. Impressively, the majority of patients achieve a reduction of over 70%. Rosacea is a lifelong metabolic condition and disorder of the skin and its blood vessels.

What Triggers Rosacea?

There is no single, underlying cause for rosacea. However, it is believed that the condition is related to hereditary influences, sun damage, smoking, and medical conditions such as liver disease, or microorganisms in the skin. Rosacea triggers include alcohol, spicy foods, caffeine, emotional stress, and alcohol.

How Painful Is It to Get a Rosacea Treatment?

There is a minimal amount of discomfort involved in rosacea treatment. In fact, the laser and/or IPL removal approach is considered to be relatively painless.
A quick, comfortable treatment with no downtime! This treatment can improve skin conditions such as redness or flushing of the skin and rosacea.

Cherry Angiomas Removal

A cherry angioma is a small, compressible growth on the skin that is usually red in color. These skin lesions usually appear later in life, after 30 years old, and increase in quantity with age. Although they are benign and not harmful to one’s health, cherry angiomas are some of the most common skin growths that patients will request removal for aesthetic reasons.

Angioma Laser Therapy Treatment

Laser therapy with pulsed dye laser (PDL), intense pulsed light (IPL), or long-pulse Nd:YAG can treat cherry angiomas by using light energy to target the red pigment in the blood vessels that make up these lesions. Afterwards, the treated area appears bruised but ultimately resolves within 1-2 weeks into a flat scar.

What Causes Cherry Angiomas?

When visualized under the microscope, cherry angiomas show numerous congested blood vessels. It is generally believed that cherry angiomas appear as a result of genetics, sun exposure, hormonal change, and age. Cherry angiomas are more prevalent in those over age 30 and in those with fair or light skin. Eruptive lesions have been described after exposure to certain chemicals, such as nitrogen mustard chemotherapy.

Are There Ways to Prevent Cherry Angiomas from Developing?

There are no clear methods for preventing cherry angiomas, although it is generally believed that protecting the skin from sun exposure will prevent the cellular changes that lead to congested blood vessel overgrowth and subsequent cherry angioma formation.

Can I Remove a Cherry Angioma at Home?

It is not recommended to remove cherry angiomas at home, as this could lead to significant pain, bleeding, infection and permanent scarring. Lesions resembling cherry angiomas are best addressed in a sterile environment by a trained dermatologist or other specialist in order to get an accurate diagnosis and effective removal.

The Color & Size of Cherry Angiomas

These oval, dome-shaped lesions are typically bright red in color, although they might also be dark blue or purple. Cherry angiomas can be as small as pinpoint dots, resembling petechiae, to raised lesions several millimeters in diameter. It is normal for lesions to gradually increase in size with age. It is also normal for several lesions to coalesce, forming a polypoid-shaped lesion.

Where Cherry Angiomas Are Often Located

Cherry angiomas most commonly develop on the trunk, shoulders, and thighs. Rarely, cherry angiomas are located on the hands, feet or mucous membranes. When multiple cherry angiomas appear, they often cluster together in groups.

General Concerns About Cherry Angiomas

Cherry angiomas are generally asymptomatic but can bleed when traumatized, sometimes significantly due to their vascular origin.

Lesions that are rapidly changing or accompanied by a purplish halo should be brought to the attention of a dermatologist to rule out the possibility of a nodular melanoma or severe systemic condition such as amyloidosis.

Nail Fungus Removal Treatments

Nail fungus is a common infection of the nail. It begins as a white or yellow-brown spot under the tip of your fingernail or toenail.

As the fungal infection goes deeper, the nail may discolor, thicken and crumble at the edge. Nail fungus can affect several nails.

How Does Laser Toenail Fungus Removal Work?

Laser devices emit pulses of energy that impart heat to tissue such as nails and skin. The laser energy penetrates through the toenail to the nail bed where the fungus is likely also present. The laser is believed to exert antifungal activity by killing the mold or fungal organisms.

How Long Does It Take for a Nail Fungus Removal Treatment to Work?

Laser therapy is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) . Fungal infections of the nails usually require several laser treatment sessions before they completely resolve. It may take between six and 18 months of consistent treatments for laser therapy to be effective

Does Laser Nail Fungus Removal Therapy Hurt?

Laser treatment for nail fungus is relatively painless and helps eradicate nail fungus effectively.

Am I a Good Candidate for Laser Fungal Nail Treatment?

Generally, the longer you have had a toenail fungal infection the worse it is and the harder it is to resolve. Laser fungal nail treatment is not indicated in people with the following:

  • Pregnancy
  • Presence of skin cancers
  • Peripheral neuropathy (numbness or loss of feeling in the feet)
  • Peripheral Vascular Disease (poor circulation)

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